Sorry, everyone, I almost missed the 5th Day of Christmas due to flight delays in Atlanta…errr. Tis the season!
But I am now safely at my family’s home in MS–after having to fly into a different town than originally scheduled, creating a longer drive for my family.
So, now, it’s almost midnight East Coast Time, and I have a mere 10 minutes before I turn into a pumpkin. Or maybe a sweet potato. This will be quick…or maybe not. The computer here is very sloooooow. Perhaps this is a sign that I need to slow down the pace a bit this week. Sound familiar?
Here goes: I adore sweet potatoes, but I was never a fan of those dessert-type dishes with brown sugar and all the rest. One Thanksgiving my sister and I came upon this recipe for Vegan Stuffed Savory Sweet Potatoes, which I easily veganized, and it quickly became a family favorite. These handsome spuds are just as appropriate for Christmas, and you may find that those who think they don’t enjoy holiday sweet potatoes, in fact do!