Get your salad on!
As part of my tasty work with Tofutti, we create the occasional not-to-be missed FREE eCookbooks, a curated collection of favorite recipes, all with photos, in keeping with a theme. As mentioned previously, life and work prevented me from staying current on my beloved The Blooming Platter website, but I’m back!
And I am proud to share our Simple, Sizzling Summer Salads before summer is over. Where I live in Coastal Virginia, we definitely have a few more weeks of summer-like weather ahead of us…and it’s been a hot one until Mother Nature decided to grant us some reprieve just this weekend. (To access and download simply click on the linked title.)
But, let’s be honest: we are fortunate to have at our fingertips a wealth of summer season ingredients year-round and these salads will certainly satisfy 12 months of the year. So, beat the heat with this selection of simple-salads-with-a-twist…or just enjoy whenever the mood strikes. A colleague at the school where I teach taste-tested the entire set–she teaches in the summer and I started a tradition three years ago when I was hired to bring her lunch–and received a hardy and “hearty” thumbs-up.
Released for July 4, each salad honors one of the immigrant cultures that has helped make America what it is:
- Chinese Chili Crisp Slaw
- German Roasted Potato & Sauerkraut Salad with Maple Caraway Dressing
- Creamy Greek Salad
- Indian Broccoli, Cauliflower & Eggplant Salad with Creamy Chutney Dressing
- Italian White bean, Peach & Mint Salad with Creamy Lemon Dressing
These easy recipes are all prepared with Tofutti Better Than Sour Cream. Tofutti makes my favorite non-dairy sour cream (not to mention cream cheese, ricotta, and ice cream), but feel free to substitute, though non-dairy products batched by different companies all vary in taste and texture and my recipes have only been tested with Tofutti. If you would like to purchase Tofutti products online so you always have them at the ready, visit Plantx.
Happy Last Gasp of Summer!

April 10, 2024 at 9:59 pm
[…] http://www.thebloomingplatter.com/vegan-salads/sizzling-summer-salads-vegan-plant-based […]