Somehow, our third annual Happy Birthday, Julia Child’s potluck dinner party came and went in August without my ever having posted any of the recipes.
It’s a little tricky to shoot nice images because, by the time the guests arrive with their beautiful food–made according to or adapted from Julia’s recipes or just very French–the light isn’t very cooperative. But, I remembered to stage this photograph with the small amount of leftovers we had of this scrumptious dish. I just never remembered to post it.
Called Thai Lettuce Wraps by their creator, Diane Stobo, we changed the name to “French Vietnamese” to fit our theme. Made by Amelia, aka “Little Chef,” the young niece of two of our guests, the dish was a hit with everyone. She is absolutely adorable and wanted to contribute something to the dinner, meet me–and our dogs–and have me sign a couple of copies of The Blooming Platter Cookbook. I was truly touched.
Amelia and her aunt recommend a few more walnuts in the filling. And, to veganize the sauce, simply substitute agave nectar for the honey. Also, since it’s now fall, use whatever tender lettuce leaves you can find in season.
For 150 original mouthwatering seasonal recipes, I invite you to check out my new cookbook, The Blooming Platter: A Harvest of Seasonal Vegan Recipes.

October 14, 2011 at 3:46 am
I wish I could have been at that dinner party! These lettuce wraps look interesting. It sounds like something my daughter would have fun making too.
October 16, 2011 at 6:16 pm
I wish you could too! They were definitely fun and tasty food to eat for young and old (hey, we’re not old!) alike. You should throw the same party next year and we could host them concurrently and then post about them!
July 16, 2014 at 12:49 pm
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