Vegan Black Bean and Pecan Butter Sauce over Grilled Eggplant and Sauteed Spinach

Yield: 4 servings

How exciting to share this recipe with you via my good pals at One Green Planet!  Just click HERE for this unforgettable recipe!

I thought of this special recipe recently as our 22nd (!) anniversary approached and we were expecting dinner guests.  This sauce was the star component in the first meal on which Joe and I collaborated for dinner guests as a newly married couple.  And I can almost guarantee you have never had anything like it!

The sauce recipe came from a culinary magazine but, sadly, I don’t know which one, as I recopied the recipe and–shame on me–uncharacteristically did not credit the source.  But I did write “Out of this world!” at the top.  And it still is.

The only change I made to the original  recipe was to substitute vegetable broth for chicken broth and vegan butter for the dairy variety in addition to using about 30%(!)  less.  We have served it over a variety of things, but this brand new combination was so tasty and so pretty that I wanted to share it with all of you.

So be sure to head over to One Green Planet…you won’t want to miss this one!

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