On a recent Sunday, listening to our outstanding local public radio station, WHRV, announcer and jazz musician, Jae Sinnett, host of “Sinnet in Session,” shared his recipe–as he frequently does, for his show follows “Splendid Table” in their line-up–for an apple-pecan stuffing. I didn’t write the recipe down, since I was driving; rather I just used it for inspiration, thinking it sounded perfect for our Thanksgiving feast. To Jae’s basic recipe, I added cornbread to the bread base, as our family has always used a combination for what we think is the best taste and texture. I also used roasted pecans–and a lot of them!–for depth of flavor.
Yield: 10-12 servings (when served with a couple of other side dishes)
1-8 inch pan of cornbread, cooked and cooled
About 10 ounces of multi-grain bread
1 pound roasted and lightly salted pecan pieces or halves (I purchased them already roasted and salted and Trader Joe’s; if using halves, break them with your fingers as you add to the stuffing); reserve a few to sprinkle on the top if desired
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large yellow onion, but into 1/4-inch dice
About 3 stalks of celery, trimmed, and cut lengthwise into 4 strips and then cut crosswise ino 1/4-inch pieces
2 sweet-tart apples (I used an apple grown here in Virginia), peeled, seeded, and cut into 1/4 inch pieces
Approximately 2 teaspoons of rubbed sage or to taste
Vegetable broth or stock, added a little at a time until mixture is very moist but holds its shape and is not soggy (this will take at least 2 cups, so start with that amount)
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Crumble cornbread into a large mixing bowl. Tear bread into bite-size pieces into the same bowl and toss gently to combine. In a large cast iron skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-high. Add the onion and saute, stirring frequently, for about 3 minutes. Add celery, and continue sauteeing and stirring for about 2 minutes. Add the apple and do the same for about 3 minutes. All vegetables should be tender, but still hold their shape. Add them to the breads in the large mixing bowl along with the sage, and toss gently to combine. Begin adding broth or stock, stirring and “fluffing” with a fork until desired consistency is reached. Taste to check for seasoning, and stir in salt, pepper, and sage as needed. Oil a 9 x 13-inch glass or ceramic dish and spoon in stuffing without packing it down. Sprinkle with reserved pecan halves if desired. Bake just until heated through, about 25 to 30 minutes. Cover with foil if the top appears to be drying out during the baking process. Serve immediately. If you want to prepare earlier in the day and reheat before serving, simply bake for about 20 minutes, cool, cover, and refrigerate. About an hour and a half before serving, remove the dish from the refrigerator and let sit at room temperature for an hour. Then reheat, covered, in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes or just until heated through.

November 28, 2011 at 7:54 pm
This looks soooo good, Betsy! Cornbread and pecans– heaven!
November 28, 2011 at 9:51 pm
I know, right, B? What could be bad? I ate the leftovers for dinner and am so sad there is none left! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.