Yes, I know, it’s not Monday. So sorry. Eric Brent and the good folks at Happy Cow published my recipe for Vegan Southern Style Cashew Cheese Grits with Kicked-Up Kale this past Monday, but we are dealing with dog drama, so I hope you’ll forgive my tardiness.
Our 14 year old Auzzie Shepherd broke her toe and, though it’s a long story, suffice it to say that our lives have been disrupted in the extreme. We live in a sea of baby gates, a huge crate, new runners on our tile and hardwood floors so that she can stay upright, and an inflatable bed in front of our fireplace (the one up-side) so that I can sleep downstairs with her. My poor back couldn’t take sleeping on the floor another night AND carrying her almost 60 pounds self up and down, 5 stairs to do her business (our house is on pilings and there is no way in or out without negotiating stairs).
But I digress. I hope you’ll follow this link to access the recipe and that you’ll enjoy my cheese grits-and-greens any day of the week!
While you’re at the Happy Cow, I encourage you to spend some time; it’s a terrific site.
Thanks Happy Cow!