Here in Eastern coastal Virginia spring has sprung and the Pungo Strawberry Festival is a thing of the past. But, I hope wherever you live, you still have access to fresh local strawberries and spring onions… or perhaps you aren’t the stickler for seasonal ingredients that I tend to be. 🙂
There were some delays getting this recipe published on One Green Planet because they questioned the quality of the photo, and rightly so. Earlier this spring, I came home from yoga and the farmer’s market one Saturday, whipped this dish up for lunch, and it was so tasty that I hastily snapped a photo of it despite less than optimum lighting conditions. After reviews and a protracted email exchange–all necessary for quality control–we decided to just go with it in the end. But, alas, by then it was summer!
Sure, I could retake the photo, but I’d have to buy the strawberries and spinach out of season. For now, we’ll leave it as is with my apologies for the quality of the photo but no apologies for the recipe which I think you will love…now or next spring!
Click HERE for my beautiful and simple recipe.