Recently, I returned from a Spring Break trip to visit my family where I made my Papa his favorite vegan brownies. But he and my Mama both have birthdays coming up, and I was reminded that his very favorite cake is German Chocolate. So, back home in Virginia and with German Chocolate Cake on my mind, I decided I had to make Papa’s favorite cake as pancakes.
My Vegan German Chocolate Pancakes with Coconut Pecan Maple Syrup are somewhat rich and filling, so I like to eat a stack of three because that looks so nice, but keep them on the smaller side, so as not to weigh myself down for the day. Other than the flour, soymilk, and pecans–and the coconut to some extent– there is not a lot of nutrition here, so be sure to serve this divine indulgence with a side of fruit and maybe a little vegan yogurt.
Also, in the “rich and filling” department, I have recently started making quesadillas using non-stick spray instead of my beloved canola oil-vegan butter mixture to grease the skillet. So, for the sake of calorie reduction, I decided to try it with these pancakes and was VERY happy with the results. But feel free to go for the higher calorie option if you want a bit more rich flavor. I generally use a couple of tablespoons of each for a 4-serving batch of pancakes.
Thanks to Alisa Free, the “Go Dairy Free” Queen, for publishing the recipe on her popular, one-of-a-kind site. Click HERE or on the link above to go straight to the recipe.