I confess to not eating a lot of fruit, but I do like to drink it daily in the form of juices, smoothies, and, on occasion, sangria.
The perfect opportunity to add a little somethin’-somethin’ to my repertoire of fruit-forward beverages was provided by the announcement of the Go Dairy Free and So Delicious Dairy Free Snackable Recipe Contest to celebrate the release of the FREE Snackable eBook.
Though this refeshing sippable snack very definitely tastes of fresh summer peaches, it is more green in color thanks to the addition of fresh basil and mint which also enhance its distincitve summery flavor profile.
Enjoy this trio of some of summer’s freshest flavors in my simple frozen snack you can slurp, er, I a mean sip through a straw!
1 large peach, cut into 8 wedges and frozen
2/3 cup So Delicious Original Coconut Milk
2/3 cup So Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer (or substitute more So Delicious Coconut Milk)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon almond extract
Stevia or other natural sweetener to taste
12 fresh basil leaves + additional for garnish
12 fresh mint leaves + additional for garnish
Place all ingredients except garnishes in a blender container (I use the Nutri-Bullet) and blend until smooth. Divide among 4 small glasses or* jars, garnish as desired, and serve with cute paper straws. (*Note: many decorative glass jars like the ones pictured are NOT safe for food consumption, so read labels carefully.)