Yield: approximately 2 cups
As most of you know, since my darling husband of 25 years passed away on July 30, 2015, my relationship to food has been profoundly impacted. I no longer cook or eat as much as I did before. And when I do, its meaning has been transformed. You can read the long version here in an essay published by Alimentum, a literary and art journal devoted to food. [Scroll down under “Throw Tradition to the Wind” (though you might enjoy it too) to “‘Til Death or Dinner Do Us Part.”
The short version is simply that, though I love and respect food–perhaps more than before–I now think of it as somewhat of a sacrament, as an outward sign of inward grace, more spiritual than it once was.
When this began to happen–which was, actually, almost immediately–I jokingly proclaimed this the year of the “mini meal.” In that spirit, I offer this recipe, though it is really more of a formula, and a simple one at that.
It was inspired by a bite of something I tasted, coincidentally, at a Celebration of Life for a dear friend who passed away just before Christmas. Called Tuscan Hummus, it was creamy, but with appealing chunks of tomato, basil, and ??? I have long been a fan of a layer of tapenade spread over hummus, but I found the idea of a “chunky” hummus ultra appealing.
Wanting to make this new creation quick and easy, I thought a salsa would be a fun twist and the tropical pineapple salsa at Whole Foods was their most enticing. So, I stired a cup of it, drained, into a cup of their plain hummus and voila! For extra crunch, I served it garnished with the little crispy bits and pieces at the bottom of the container of their vegan kale chips. A brilliant lunch with a dab of lentil soup on the side.
Of course, you could make your own hummus and your own salsa. But, after Christmas, I started teaching a 6th class and a 4th prep–AP Art History (a super-rewarding but time-consuming course)–so quick and easy without sacrificing flavor or nutrition earns an A+ in my book.
1 cup plain or garlic hummus, homemade or preapred
1 cup tropical pinapple salsa (or your favorite type), homemade or prepared, drained
Pinch sea salt
Pinch freshly ground black pepper
Optional garnish: crispy kale chip bits
Accompaniment: cracker or pita chip of your choice
Stir together hummus, salsa, sea salt and pepper. Serve on crackers or pita chips garnished, if desired, with crispy kale chip bits.