I must have been on quite a Christmas roll in 2009, as both The Big White Cake and this delectable, non-vegan-approved “Cheese” Ball come from that year.
To the uninitiated, Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas down South without a big globe of creamy deliciousness surrounded by crackers. All kinds of goodies, both vegan and not, are typically held together by a mixture of cream cheese and shredded harder cheeses. My version is made from tofu and, though I love tofu in all its guises, those who don’t will be none the wiser.
In early December of 2009, we were visited by our good friends Marc and Julianne Curvin on the same weekend we brought home our then 1 year old old Great Dane, Minnie, from the SPCA. They were the perfect house guests to calm our nerves as this new dog found her place in the pack, a fact that Huff the Great Dane was none to happy about and remained poised for attack for a good 36 hours. The Curvins had both had Schutzhund (“protection dog”) training with their glorious German Shepherds and were the perfect calming and commanding presence.
That Saturday night, we were all invited to a holiday gathering hosted by Becky Bump and Reese Lusk at their magical lakeside cabin. I was delighted to go for many reasons–mainly the great food and conversation–but also to be able to put dear Minnie in her big crate and take a break from dog monitoring, as it wasn’t until about mid-day on Sunday that Huff went down into the play position and all was well in our Peaceable Kingdom.
Though Becky and Reese provided every other course of a beautiful and delicious Asian-inspired meal, I brought this appetizer and it was all but devoured by carnivorous guests before we sat down to the feast.
I think you too will love my cheese ball as a starter course for your Christmas meal or holiday party.