Sorry… I felt compelled to post another irresistible photo of the Danes. School was cancelled again today due to snow, so while I graded and cooked (stay tuned for a new cookie post), the pups snoozed. Perhaps this cozy scene isn’t so remarkable if you don’t know where these two started. Let’s just say Huff Daddy (the big Dane) was none too thrilled when young Mini-Me (Miss Minnie, actually), the Miniature Great Dane, came to live with us just before Christmas.
Notice the dark green blanket on our bed. That actually belongs on the nearby dog bed. Minnie–who we understand formerly lived with a homeless man who, sadly, disappeared–has maintained her gypsy ways: she carries her bedding (blankets and pillows) around with her throughout the house. (She is also quite the scavenger.) You can probably see why we chose chocolate brown sheets and blanket for our personal bedding. The “peanut butter and chocolate swirl” dogs blend right in.

February 2, 2010 at 7:07 pm
I never knew there was such a thing as a Miniature Great Dane…they both look pretty big to me, lol! What cuties 🙂
February 2, 2010 at 7:18 pm
Funny! I'm not sure that a Miniature-Great Dane is a true breed; I've done a little half-hearted on-line research, but have turned up nothing definitive. Minnie was a stray picked up by Animal Control and surrendered to the VBSPCA, so who knows what her "cultural heritage" is, but she looks just like Huff, who is "full-blooded," only she's so incredibly thin. She no longer looks malnourished, just leaner than lean. She's probably mixed with something, but she doesn't have that greyhound look, other than the lean frame. She's about 65 lbs. and very tall–our Auzzie Shepherd can walk under her–while Huff is 160+ lbs. and even taller! At the low end, female Danes usually weigh in at about 90 lbs. Minnie has another year of growing to do, but I doubt she'll make it. Maybe she was the run or maybe her questionable beginnings left her stunted…I don't know. But she is a piece of work, and together, whew! They are playing a game of "pull" right now with some low grade trash talk going on. And it's all Minnie. She's a scrappy little girl, though she can be quite lady like at times. Yikes, she just jumped on my head from behind. Guess it's time for a walk in the snow. Thanks for writing!
February 5, 2010 at 9:39 am
wow! i found your blog for the recipes (which sound great) but i am staying for the dogs! LOL love them, they are so beautiful!
February 5, 2010 at 5:41 pm
Oh, Betsy … it's like they were always meant to be together. I can't wait to meet Miss Minnie and reconnect with Huff and Pyttle. (And you and Joe, too, of course. LOL)
love ya!
February 5, 2010 at 6:32 pm
Hi Green Chic~
So glad you found me and the pack and glad they have you wanting to hang out with us! They are as sweet–and as goofy–as they are pretty. Thank you so much for taking the time to write a post. We loved hearing from you.
And, Ms. S, we always love hearing from you too. I hadn't really thought of them that way…leave it to you. They would love to meet/see their Aunt S. I 'wanna hear about any more dreams…
oxo always