And feast it was! I asked Bryanna if their company had to spend the night after this incredible meal, but she assured me that all of the portions were small, except for her Chinotto Cake(!), and that their guests only required a brief rest on the sofa before heading home.
Bryanna is Bryanna Clark Grogan, author of a number of beloved vegan cookbooks–most recently World Vegan Feast–and I became friends via our connection with Vegan Heritage Press. She provides me with endless inspiration and encouragement. And as it turns out, we share the same birthday of May 26!
However, her most recent celebration was not a birthday but her 22nd wedding anniversary, shared with close friends all the way across the continent in British Columbia where she lives. I was so surprised and humbled to learn that she had created a whole menu inspired by The Blooming Platter for this special dinner.
I invite you to read about in on her blog, Vegan Feast Kitchen. You will love her warm and informative style. A library branch manager, she is passionate about research and sharing helpful resources and information. Her posts are always loaded with photos and links, including, in this case, to the recipes here on The Blooming Platter and to my cookbook.
You will also love her sinful Chinotto Cake that she graciously says is inspired by my Coca-Cola Cake. But she puts her own spin on it, and you are also sure to enjoy the story of its creation. In case you aren’t familiar, Chinotto is a grown-up, gourmet and organic version of cola with it’s own special flavor profile. It is now on my list.
Happy Anniversary, Bry!

October 10, 2013 at 2:07 am
Thanks, Betsy– it was a memorable evening!